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Oct 20, 2024    Pastor Kevin P. Horath

Lydia was from the city of Thyatira (Acts 16:14), a prosperous center for dyeing and textiles. She is described as a "worshiper of God," meaning she was likely a Gentile convert to Judaism before becoming a Christian. Her faith was sincere, and she opened her heart to Paul's message, immediately responding by being baptized and hosting Paul and his companions. Lydia represents someone whose faith led to positive action and hospitality.

Lydia was a positive example of the influence and importance of women in society and she was a notable citizen of Thyatira. Unfortunately, this city of Thyatira is also connected to another person in Israel's history. This connection is not positive and presents a serious problem.

Our message today will compare and contrast these two individuals as we examine how we can use our own talents, skills, and abilities as we live out our call.